iridescent wave

an independent web3 music blog strongly featuring women/qpoc artists

a brief history of Girl Powa!

Earlier this month, I was invited by the very cool & impressive Goldie Harris to speak at #web3wednesdays, a monthly Brooklyn event for discussion & learning on web3 stuff, especially music. Sitting on the green couch across from her in front of a small audience who decided to come out that night (what a rush!), I told the story of my first real web3 involvement in anything, which is Girl Powa!

Girl Powa! is an Audius Discord show strongly feat. women &/or qpoc. How did it start? Well, they were looking for regular programming (it’s unpaid, btw — for now, anyway ☺️ ), and I submitted my idea. They liked it and we’ve been rocking ever since (it started out as just me; a few shows later, my irl fellow artist friend Gardenia joined me as the goat co-host). 

But that’s not how Girl Powa! as a show started. It actually began back in my university years. I went to the college radio station general meeting for interested students, and learned that they needed a Station Administrator on their executive board. As a freshman, I weighed my options: I could try to join with a show idea & potentially get accepted, which would also almost absolutely mean a ridiculous 6am weekend day timeslot (…please no) OR!… I could join the E. Board. And get my pick of day & time for a show. Station Administrator? Sign me up!!!

And it was then that Girl Powa! was born over ten years ago (shit!). It became a regular hangout & catch-up space for me & my closest friends to bond over music we love, and showcase women artists. 

In short, I asked for it & made it happen. No connections to anyone influential, no bullshit. Just great music and ears.

Now that you’re caught up, check out the latest episode of Girl Powa! from this past Sunday! Gardenia & I got together irl to share our faves, talk recent projects, and just hang out in the Audius Discord w/ friends.

Girl Powa!: Episode 6 (5/22/22) (entire show w/ commentary) 

Girl Powa!: Episode 6 (5/22/22) (playlist only)

xo C