iridescent wave

an independent web3 music blog strongly featuring women/qpoc artists

spotlight: the daze

the daze (she/her) // IG // twitter // tiktok

When it comes to this business of music (and I’m talking across ALL of the webz!: 2, 3, purple, green), if you ask me, an artist who’s going to “make it” is someone who is exceptionally exceptional and consistent all around. 

We’re talking: great music (that gets better & better), star quality (confidence + personality + cool), a social media natural (with an especially strong TikTok streak), musically skilled & talented (produces and/or plays instruments), business & marketing-minded enough (“enough” because this part can be a drag is so necessary), longterm strategy-minded, creatively unlimited (this works well with the TikTok-ness), and of course, a strong work ethic that brings their belief in themselves & their art via all of the above to life.

Enter the daze, who checks off all of these boxes and more. With only two official releases thus far, and one genesis NFT for one of those songs, she has made her entrance FELT. Both tracks are finding their way to music listeners looking for new & different sounds, and being embraced with open arms. “Ryden” is experimental in a subtle way — trap drums boom under the daze’s signature electric guitar playing, that gives everything a delightfully woozy feel leading up to a trippy outro. “Belize” is more straightforward — a Bossanueva rhythm (have you heard?) gets you moving while the daze muses on a few topics, from Mary Jane to peace of mind to white tears.

I could go on, but instead: here is the daze in her own words!: 

What’s your story?

I am an all encompassing artist pulling from many different inspirations. I produce, use my voice, play instruments and have fun channeling emotions and tapping into the ether of the cosmos. I recently dropped my genesis, which showcases a lot of my skills conceptualizing, editing, music and communicating. I have just started to put out more music consistently as well as put myself out there in the world and I am having a lot of fun.

How are you feeling now?

Affirmed and excited for the future

What does success mean to you?

Travel, leisure, pleasure, health, wealth, peace and getting to share it with anyone I can.

What work of yours has you excited & inspired right now?

The project I am working on now. It will be my debut

What does web3 mean to you, and what excites you about it?

Web3 is a new way to connect without a middle man. I’m excited to see all the new projects, tech and inventions pop up from this ever bubbling ecosystem. Web3 is a new way of life tbh.

photo of artist the daze lying in a grassy field
photo by Koko Beee

What artists/creators are inspiring you right now & why?

@s0ftlei her art is so amazing and unique. She has a dark yet colorful approach to her work. I am also inspired by Jamee Cornelia, their work ethic is insane and they are so creative with rollouts. “Pushing A!” lol I am also inspired by Cam Murdoch he’s definitely a leader as well as someone who has a vision of not only helping himself but others. I am inspired by a lot of ppl in web3, the LIT NFT group are da homies.

If you made 10 eth off one of your own created NFTs tomorrow, what would you do first?

I would first allocate 3 eth to other 1/1 music artists and art. Start some bids and collect some art. Secondly (probably at the same time) I’d treat myself to a nice dinner with a glass of reisling. After that I’d allocate money to my music endeavors marketing, merch, visuals, business. Lastly I’d use some of the remaining funds for my film projects and save the rest for a rainy day.

Fill in the blank: I wish the web3 music world was more ___________________.

Real. There is a lot of bullsh!# in this community and even though people see it and want to say something most people just let it rock to keep the peace. We ultimately want mass-adoption so why not make the space more inclusive, kind and real.

Describe yourself in one word!?


What question do you wish more people asked you?

what planet did you come from?

How do you stay grounded in the VERY online world of web3?

Check in with my homies, commune in nature, commune with my ancestors, play with my cat, talk to my gf and loved ones.

Any other comments/questions?

Nope this was dope.

xo C