iridescent wave

an independent web3 music blog strongly featuring women/qpoc artists

spotlight: remcycles

gm legends <3 

A likely greeting from the legend xemself, remcycles (pronouns: xe/xem/xyrs pronounced ze/zem/zyrs), who I am so so excited to feature on the blog!

A frequent & popular presence in various musical Discord communities, producer/songwriter/photographer/videographer/creative director/community builder REM enters the iridescent wave spotlight with quite the resume: a handful of magical tracks (some with vocals, some without) featured on Catalog, involvement as a music curator in the exciting QMoDA (Queer Museum of Digital Art) project, and (MOST IMPORTANTLY?!) a buoyant personality that shines bright across the web (all of the webs!).

In our interview, REM talks about xyr love of both collaboration and the musical production process, which is evident in the thoughtful & personal descriptions xe provides for each track on Catalog. Xe also is leading the way in showing other artists/producers what is creatively possible in web3 by taking selling instrumentals to next levels. Indeed, buying a remcycles music NFT could get you a sample pack of the beat stems, the opportunity to work with REM on the song, a video call walkthrough of how xe produced the beat, and more.

Check out my fave, “STRS 3.0,” to experience the joy of REM the producer, songwriter, and vocalist all in one, and get ready for a burst of sunshine in our spotlight interview below.

Artist statement: What’s your story?

Hi legends! I’m remcycles, also known as REM. I’m a musical visionary and creative being pioneering the future in the creative world! I produce, songwrite, perform, and do many other things in the realm of music. Im also a photographer, videographer, creative director, and community builder. Inside web3, I am the main music curator at QMoDA (Queer Museum of Digital Art) and I do community moderation and building with both Catalog and QMoDA. I release my music and artwork as NFTs and I’m involved as a contributor with a plethora of DAOs (GENRE, GENDA, GKD, etc.). I’m super excited to cultivate new experiences and culture within the web2, web3, and real world!

How are you feeling now?

I’m feeling beautiful. Warm and fuzzy yet inquisitive and insightful for the future.

What does success mean to you?

Success to me means opportunity and exploration to be more than what people perceive you as. There’s never a dull moment in life when you are achieving the dreams that are embedded in your lifeline!

What work of yours has you excited & inspired right now?

Right now it’s this beat called MALACHITE that I’m finishing as a full song and then all my collaborations in the works. I love working with people.

What does web3 mean to you, and what excites you about it?

Web3 to me means success haha! Well it means my definition of success. Open source material to build your own platforms and to inspire others to do the same? Being able to financially support yourself without having to work constant hours or without having to make a sob story to feel valid of existence? Letting go of the mindsets that we are programmed and conditioned to believe instead of our own values and integrity? That’s what web3 gives me and that’s all that ignites a fire within me to let it grow!

What artists/creators are inspiring you right now & why?

Honestly all my friends and creators im coming in contact with. Everyone is building, growing, changing, and it’s such a monumental cultural movement to be a part of.

If you made 10 eth off one of your own created NFTs tomorrow, what would you do first?

I would go to sleep. Then I would –

Fill in the blank: I wish the web3 music world was more ___________________.

Open and accessible on a human level vs. if you’re providing monetary gain for a platform. No more censoring.

What question do you wish more people asked you?

Why am I so gay HAHA kidding

Seriously would be more about my thought process. Why do I do something the way I do? I love teaching.

How do you stay grounded in the VERY online world of web3?

I see my grandmother everyday. When my mother comes home, I make sure to have a conversation with her. I call the friends I have outside of twitter and discord. I talk with the real humans and make sure that they are thriving as much as I can!

Any other comments/questions?

I love you and you’re an AMAZING being for holding this space and being vulnerable about your identity. I cherish this opportunity and I know you will continue on in life to inspire others to do the same. Thank you again Celia.

xo C