Tag: web 3 blog
spotlight: Carla the Poet
photo by Jay McClendon // we have Carla the Poet in the spotlight this week! read her in her own words on her journey as an artist, making her way in web3, and more!
web3 music irl event!: conversations at the intersection of web3 and music
photo by Shauna Alexander // last night, i got to do something i’ve been wanting to do for a WHILE, which is go to an irl web3 music event here in NYC! here’s my recap.
the scene: friends aren’t hard to find if you know where to look
what does it mean to truly build community?
part 2: what i’m envisioning for iridescent wave
here’s part 2 of my introduction to iridescent wave posts that highlights what i’m envisioning for this blog! hint: YOU <3
web3 in the mainstream
image from NY Times // here, i’ll highlight a few recent essays/stories from writers i trust who are bringing new lenses to crypto, web3, and NFTs in the mainstream. great for beginners!
spotlight: five questions w/ Aura
photo by Ryan Cardoso // i am super thrilled to launch iridescent wave w/ an interview with the dynamic & incredible Aura! read about her views + hopes for web3 in her own words.
part 1: why i’m starting iridescent wave
photo by Klaryssa Lynn Ortiz // why am i starting a web3 music blog? do i look like an artist / part-time music journalist with a soft spot for Avril Lavigne? let’s find out!
big moves: Aluna
photo by Breyona Holt // Aluna is showing us the kinds of true community building and space creating for people with marginalized identities that is possible in the world of web3 music.